Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Geetesh Nirban

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department Of Philosophy, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi। My areas of interest are Ethics, Indian Philosophy, Educational Philosophy, Ecofeminism, Mahabharata Studies and Youth Issues. As a student of Philosophy for last 15 years, I really feel that it is an urgent need to introduce Philosophy as a subject in the schools. Logical skills, ethical outllook and understanding of some epistemologial issues must become an integral part of school curriculum in India if we want to secure better future of this country. Hoping for the best....

Friday, December 3, 2010


Date of Birth – 25 -07-1936
Qualifications– Shastri, M.A. [Hindi, Sanskrit], Ph.D.
Ex. Professor of Kalidas Chair, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
Teaching experience- 42years
Guided and supervised M.Phil. and 25 Ph. D. students
Ex -visiting Professor, Charles University, Czechoslovakia.
Ex -Fellow editor, PHISPIC, New Delhi.
Ex Fellow, Research Institute Himalayan Studies, Shimla
Ex Fellow Senate, Punjab University, Chandigarh.
Founder member of ‘Saaraswatam’ - an association of Sanskrit scholars at Chandigarh.
Delivered lectures at Jauve, South Italy, Oxford [England], Wood stock [U.S.A.] in1981
Research papers -70 in different research journals
Attended - National and International seminars and conferences.
Published 4 books
Shaankar Vedaanta- Ek Anushilan
Trilogy of Tantra
Etymological and philosophical interpretation of Tantra
Drishti evam Dishaayen
Awarded Rs. One Lac in cash by the Shankracharya of Shri-matha of Banaras for the scholarship and contribution towards Sanskrit art, literature and philosophy on 24th Jan.,2008



Prof. N. S. Ramanuja Tatacharya is one of the senior-most and most celebrated and renowned scholars in Navya-Nyaya. Born on 15th April 1928 in Navalpakkam, Tamilnadu, he is very active in his Shastric pursuits and recently retired from French Institute, Pondicherry.

An erudite scholar and learned Sanskritist, Dr. Ramanuja Tatacharya has served the academic community in different capacities including his services as the Vice-Chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Tirupati. Dr. Tatacharya has to his credit more than 15 reputed published works in classical Indian philosophical literature. His original contribution in the area may be assessed from various scholarly works like Vivriti, Balabodhini, Bhagavadgunaratnapetika, Pratyaksa Tattvacintamani Vimarsa etc. He has translated Nyayasiddhanjanam of Vedantadesika into Tamil. He has been the general editor to many scholarly works like Ramanujacaritacampu, Pancapadikavivarana with Commentaries (reprint), Caturdasalaksani etc. and he has also contributed more than 60 Research papers on different Sastras which have been published in various Research Journals. Dr. Tatacharya has guided more than 25 Research Scholars for Ph.D. degree on different aspects of Sanskrit Literature, Philosophy, and Indian Culture. He has also guided many scholars from Foreign Countries in their Research Assignments.

As an eminent scholar he has received many awards and honours like Catussastra Praveena, Maha Mahopadhyaya and Vacahaspati Puraskar, K.K. Birla Foundation award etc.

Prof. R. Balasubramanian

Prof. R. Balasubramanian gets Life Time Achievement Award of ICPR for the Year 2009-10 Professor R. Balasubramanian (Ph.D. and D.Litt. from Madras University), a renowned scholar in Advaita Vedanta, has been nominated for the ICPR Life Time Achievement Award for the Year 2009-10. Prof. Balasubramanian taught at Besant Theosophical College, Vivekananda College, besides Annamalai University, University of Madras and Pondicherry University. In addition to the above he served as Chairman of Indian Council of Philosophical Research for a term (1990-1994).

Prof Balasubramanian has visited many countries and taken part in many national and international academic programmes. He spent a year at Stanford University as a Fulbright & Smith-Mundt scholar doing his post doctoral studies.

Besides being the Chairman of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, he has also been the President of the Afro-Asian Philosophy Association (1991-1994). He has published extensively and some of his major publications include Personalistic Existentialism of Berdyaev (1970), The Taittiriyopanisad-bhasya-vartika of Suresvara ( 1974,1984), Some Problems in the Epistemology and Metaphysics of Ramanuja (1976), Primal Spirituality of the Vedas: Its Renewal and Renaissance (1996), T.M.P. Mahadevan (1988), and Advaita Vedanta, (ed) (2001) and many other works.

Professor D.P. Chattopadhyaya

Professor D.P. Chattopadhyaya

Nominated for Life Time Achievement Award of ICPR for the Year 2010-11 D.P. Chattopadhyaya Professor at Jadavpur University, Calcutta studied Law, History and Philosophy. He obtained his Ph.D. degrees from Calcutta University and London School of Economics. He has been conferred a D. Litt. (Honoris Causa) by Banaras Hindu University and a few other Universities in India and abroad. He is also a National Distinguished Professor at Andhra University, Waltair. Prof. Chattopadhyaya researched, studied and taught at various Universities of India, Asia, Europe and USA from 1954 to 1994. He is the founder Chairman of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research (1981-1990). He has been Chairman of Indian Institute of Advanced Study (HAS) Shimla and Chairman, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation, Calcutta. President, First International Conference on Buddhism and National Cultures, Member of International Institute of Philosophy, Paris, Life-Member, Institute of Philosophy (Russian Academy of Sciences). Currently, he is the Project Director and General Editor of
the multi-disciplinary 78 Volumes Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture (PHISPC), and Chairman of the Centre for Studies in Civilizations and since 2000- 2009 also the Chairman of Indian Philosophical Congress.

Prof. Chattopadhyaya, with his wide knowledge of philosophy, political theory, economics, history, and science is one of the propounders of interdisciplinary studies in the country. Some of his publications include Individuals and Societies (1967), Individuals and Worlds (1976), Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx (1988), Anthropology and Historiography of Science (1990), Induction, Probability and Skepticism (1991), Sociology, Ideology and Utopia (1997), Societies, Cultures and Ideologies (2000), and Science, Society, Value and Civilizational Dialogue (2002). Besides, he has published nearly 300 research papers, discussions and book reviews in various Journals, anthologies and encyclopaedias. He is also the Editor of a reputed National periodical SANDHAN the Journal of Centre for Studies in Civilizations, New Delhi.

Prof. George Panthanmackel, msfs

Prof. George Panthanmackel, msfs

Doctor of Western Philosophy (Innsbruck, Austria)

Doctor of Indian Philosophy (Bangalore, India)

Suvidya College, Electronics City, P.O

Bangalore – 560100, Karnataka, India

Tel: 080-7832303, 7833584

Mobile: 0-9611182042

Fax: 080-7831699


Ø Dr George Panthanmackel, born on 22-03-1958, is Professor of Philosophy at Suvidya College, Bangalore.

Ø He has also been a Visiting Professor of Philosophy to several other Institutes teaching both graduates and postgraduates.

Ø He has the professional experience of 22 years.

Ø He has already taught several subjects: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Anthropology, Methodology, Sociology, Public Administration, Political Science, History of Western Philosophy, Contemporary Indian Philosophy, and Marxism.

Ø He holds two Doctorates in Philosophy: in Indian Philosophy from the University of Bangalore and in Western Philosophy from the University of Innsbruck, Austria.


Ø In 2009-2010 (for one year from March to March), he worked at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as Senior Consultant of Philosophy and organized its BA Philosophy Syllabus, especially by editing the entire 238 Units (Chapters).

Ø He has published about 70 research Papers / articles in national and international Journals. The following are some of his philosophical articles / papers:

-Panthanmackel, George. “The Roots of Economic Disparity and Poverty”. Dharma. Vol. 20, No. 1 (January-March 1995).

-Panthanmackel, George. “Problem of Evil: Hick’s Sumlimation of Plantinga”. Dharma. Vol. 23, No. 2 (April-June 1998).

-Panthanmackel, George. “Sree Narayanaguru’s Concept of Equality”. Divyadaan. Vol. 8, No.2 (1997).

-Panthanmackel, George. “Does the Categorical Imperative Presuppose Freedom, or Freedom the Categorical Imperative?”. Divyadaan. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2000).

-Panthanmackel, George. “Deconstruction of Derrida’s Difference as a Possible Way to Metaphysics”. Vijnanadipti. Vol.3, No.2 (June 2000).

-Panthanmackel, George. “Alternation or Antinomy? A Critical Look at Absolute as Alternation in Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya”. Suvidya Journal. Vol.1, No. 1 (June 2007).

Ø He has learnt 11 languages and 1 dialect: Greek, Latin, Hebrew, German, English, French, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Lotha (dialect).

Ø He was Dean of Suvidya College, and has been Registrar of the same College since 2004. He is also the President of the Association of Christian Philosophers of India (ACPI).

Ø He is the Chief Editor of the Fransalian International. He is also on the Editorial Boards of Indian Journal of Spirituality, Suvidya Journal of Philosophy and Religion, and the Associate Editor of the ACPI Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Ø He has participated in National and International Conferences, also presented Papers at some of them. He has also organized a few of such conferences.





1.     Name in Full: DR RANJAN KUMAR BEHERA

2.     Address for Correspondence: Dean of Social Sciences, Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) NAAC accreditation: A Grade, A College with Potential for excellence, Chumukedima - Seithekema, Nagaland-797103. Fax 03862-240811, Telephone 03862- 240936 ( O ), 240779(R)   Mobile: 09436018048            E mail:

3.     Date of Birth: 16.12.1961      4. Nationality: Indian             5. Married/single: married


6.     Male/Female: Male                            7. Blood Group: B+


8.     Educational Qualification:


% of marks
Utkal University
Utkal  University
II Grade B
Gauhati University



9.     Subject in Ph.Degree: Philosophy

10.  Area of specialisations: Social and political philosophy

11.  Teaching experiences: 26 years in under Graduate level.


12.  Research experience:

·       Prof. Girish Sharma and myself guided a research scholar  Hitoka Sumi from Department of Philosophy,  Gauhati University on the thesis “Beliefs and practices of Naga life: A religio-Philosophical study with special reference to Sumi Tribe”.  

·       Ph.D examiner for a thesis Mayai inTirumandiram: A ecological perspective submitted by Mr. V.Joh Peter from University of Madras.

·       Ph.D guide for a research scholar Mrs Sentinungla Pongen from  Faizal ali Government college on the topic “critical appraisal of the philosophy of Christian ethics and its major ethical issues”


13.  Research Publications:

a.      “Philosophy and school education” published in patkai journal of multi-disciplinary studies, Nagaland

b.     “Queries about God” published in Darshan International an international quarterly

c.      “Nagaland and Modernization” presented in a National seminar organised by Centre for studies in civilization, New Delhi

d.     “Naga Culture and tradition” presented a paper in a National seminar on Indigenous knowledge traditions in north east India sponsored by Indian institute of advance study, shimla

e.      “Rethinking swaraj” published in Darshan International an international quarterly

f.      “Need of a philosophical Method” published in Jnanam a journal of philosophy published by Jnanam Academy of Philosophy, Guwahati

g.     “Geometry, theology and Philosophy” Published in Abhrant a bilingual philosophical quarterly of Bihar.

h.     “God in sumi Naga religion” published in Tribal religion edited by Project of history of Indian science philosophy and culture, New delhi

i.       “Child labour and human rights” presented in an International seminar at Takshashila Mahavidyalaya, Amaravti is run by Shri Dadasaheb Gawai Charitable Trust, Amravati.

j.       Participated a National seminar on philosophy and distance learning: Innovations in knowledge infusion at IGNOU, New Delhi. The seminar was organised by the school of interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary studies and CBCI chair, IGNOU, New Delhi

k.     Chairperson of the National seminar on Women development and North East sponsored by ICSSR at D.C.B. Girls’s College, Jorhat.

l.       a part of Asia pacific quality Network International Conference, Bangaluru and  presented a poster on Issues of Quality and Access in Higher education. The conference was hosted by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangaluru.  

m.    Resource person on the topic Globalisation and privatisation-what does this mean for Higher education? for extended contact programme for PGDHE students of IGNOU regional Centre, Kohima

n.     Presented a paper on “Tagore’s Philosophy on Humanism” organised by ICS centre, Dimapur and Ministry of Culture, Govt. Of India

o.     Key speaker for two days international interdisciplinary conference on importance of vipassana in politics & administration organised by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya, Amravati

p.     Chief speaker on the topic “Role of Dr.Ambedkar in social justice” organised by Dr.Ambedkar thought centre,   Takshashila Mahavidyalaya, Amaravti


14.  Any other information related to research experience:


a.      “Advaita Vedanta” a group discussion was recorded/ telecast from Gyan Darsan channel prepared by IGNOU, New Delhi.

b.     Assistant Superintendent for UGC-Net exam conducted by Nagaland University in 2011 December

c.      Resource person on a seminar on “evaluation process in Nagaland” organised by UGC, NERO

d.     Subject expert in Nagaland Public Service Commission for the post of lecturer in Govt Colleges

e.       “Radio Talk on NAAC assessment in higher Education” was given in All India Radio, Kohima.

f.      Member, CQAC, Dept. of Higher Education, Government of Nagaland, India

g.     Member, College Development Council, Nagaland Central University, India

h.     Member, Editorial Board, Patkai Journal of Multi-disciplinary studies (PJOMDS) ISSN: 2277-5595

i.       Published a book “Philosophical concept of God” (ISBN 81-87606-22-3) from Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi

j.       My name is enrolled in  philosophy of International Directory of Philosophy and philosophers from Philosophy Documentation centre, Bowling Green state University, USA

k.     American Biographical institute, Inc. honoured “Great minds of 21st Century”

l.       Secretary, Academic Council, Patkai Christian College (Autonomous)

m.   Member, Governing Body, Patkai Christian College (Autonomous)

n.     Co-ordinator, Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC), Patkai Christian College (Autonomous)

o.     Question setter for M.A Philosophy from IGNOU, New Delhi

p.     Question setter for B.A Philosophy Honours from Nagaland University

q.     Member in Research Advisor Committee of Philosophy Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Projects and World Conference on Existential Harmony- 2014


Date: 12.2.13

Place: Dimapur, Nagaland                                                                 (Dr.R.K.Behera)


Dr. V. K Singh

Dr. V. K Singh

Associate Professor of Tibetan

Panjab University, Educational Institution, Chandigarh

(Educational Institution; Higher Education industry)

September 1994 — Present (16 years 4 months)

Tibetan Studies, Buddhist Studies

I have been indulge in teaching Tibetan language courses. There are three Tibetan Language course being taught by me at University. Certificate in Tibetan (one year course for +2 students) Diploma in Tibetan (one year course for certificate holder) and Interpretership for proficiency of Diploma in Tibetan. I have started a new course in Buddhist Studies named PG Diploma in Buddhist Studies. I am also guiding research in Tibetan Buddhism.

Associate Professor

Panjab University

(Educational Institution; Banking industry)

September 1994 — Present (16 years 4 months)

Participated & successfully Completed 41st Orientation course at the Academic Staff College, Panjab University, Chandigarh as Lecturer in Tibetan Language and literature from in 1998. Also completed two refresher courses in 2002 and 2004. Now promoted as Reader in Tibetan. Re-designated as associate Professor of Tibetan in 2006. Have number of publication both national and international. Started teaching Buddhist Studies in 2006.


University of Delhi

(Education Management industry)

July 1987 — June 1993 (6 years )

Got Qualified as JRF and later on became Senior Research Fellow at University of Delhi in the Department of Buddhist Studies under the able guidance of legendary scholar personality in Tibetan Buddhist, Late Dr. Geshe Gelek Gyatso popular as Geshe La or Lamaji.

Junior Research Fellow

University of Delhi

(Education Management industry)

October 1987 — June 1988 (9 months)

In the UGC sponsored project entitled: 'Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary of Buddhist Tantric Terms' from 16; at the Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Delhi under the Principal Investigation of Dr. G G Gyatso Reader in Tibetan (A former Tibetan Lama) in the Department of Buddhist Studies.
Cleared NET Test in 1988. Qualified as Junior Research Fellowship of University Grants Commission, Delhi from 16


· St. Columba's collegiate Higher Secondary School

High School , Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics , 1972 — 1977

· Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prepared Syllabi for PG Diploma; PG Certificate, PG Diploma and M.A , Buddhist Studies; Buddhist Studies

UGC Refresher course at P.U. in November 2008 in the Department of Sanskrit
UGC Refresher course at P.U. in December 2009 in the Department of Hindi

Engaged in Extra Curricular, Academic, Social and Cultural Activities:
30-05-2009 to 10-06-2009, Successfully attended and completed 10 days Vipassana Meditation course at Dhammathali, Jaipur, Rajasthan
11-03-2009 to 21-03-2009 Successfully attended and completed 10 days Vipassana Meditation course


Buddhist And Cultural Studies, Tibetan Language and Literature

Dr. V. K Singh’s Groups:

Indian Society for Buddhist Studies, Indian Philosophical Congress, Akhil Bharatiya Darshan Parishad, All Indian Oriental Conference, Indian society of Gandhian Studies

Prof. Asha Mukherjee

Prof. Asha Mukherjee
Department of Philosophy, Visva-Bharati ,Santiniketan

Logic, Ethics, Applied Ethics, Analytic Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Epistemology, Philosophical Logic, Gender Issues, Environmental Ethics and Jaina Philosophy






B.A. (Hons.)

Kanoria College, Jaipur Rajasthan University



Dept. of Philosophy, Rajasthan University



Dept. of Philosophy, Rajasthan University



Dept. of Philosophy, Rajasthan University

Research Projects, Papers and Books

Major Projects
Default Logic and Moral Paradoxes Supported by UGC (1997-2000)
R.M. Hare's Language of Morals (translation in Hindi) supported by Indian Council for Philosophical Research)
Amartya Sen and Contemporary Philosophy: UGC Project (co-investigator)
Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change: Philosophical Foundation of Social Life in Civil Society in India, Partially supported by The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, US. One of my edited volumes is published by CRVP, 2001
Civil Society in Indian Culture: Indian Philosophical Studies I (Jt. Ed) CRVP, Washington, 2001
Collection of Papers Jainism: Philosophical Papers, Kalinga Publishers, Delhi 2003
Collection of Papers Empowerment of Women: A Multidimensional Approach, Gyan Publishers, 2003
Amartya Sen: Philosophical Papers editing a collection of papers by Prof. A. Sen written on philosophical subjects (Forth Coming) Oxford U.P.
Published about 30 research and review articles in various national and international journals and anthologies and 8 articles are forthcoming.

Teaching Experience

22 years in Visva-Bharati


UGC Major Research Project Grant (1997-2000), ICPR Research Grant (1997), Travel Grant by ICPR (1997), Travel Grant by Visva Bharati (1989) Fulbright Post Doctoral Grant by CIES, Washington, (1984), UGC Fellowship, 1978-81, Departmental Graduate Fellowship (1977)

Academic Distinction

Executive Committee member of Indian Society for Phenomenological
Studies (ISPS) Head Office in Pondicherry
Sectional President of Ethics and Social Philosophy Section for the 77th Session of Indian Philosophical Association held at Udaipur 24-27 Oct. 2002
External Member of Board of Post Graduate Studies of Assam University, Silcher Assam
Treasurer, Academy of Comparative Religion India, Santiniketan Chapter for 2002-2005
Convener, Daya Krishna Nibandha Pratiyogita
Sectional President, Logic and Metaphysics Section, Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad, 1996,

Other co-curricular interests

Vice Principal, Vidya Bhavana (faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1983-84, 1989-92. Executive member, Indian association of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Jaipur, Member Vidya Bhavana Admission Committee 1992-97, Member Vidya Bhavana Hostel Accommodation Committee 994-97, Jt. Coordinator, UGC Sponsored All India Refresher Courses on Metaphysics and Ethics and Social Philosophy 1995 and 1999, Director, Karl Popper Seminar, 1996, Director, Colloquium on Pluralism and Cultural Conflict, 1996, Member Institute Board, Member WAVES, Member IPPNO.